Why buy Woodland Carbon Code units?

Benefits of carbon credits  

Businesses and individuals can use carbon credits to compensate for their unavoidable emissions and contribute to a greener future.

A carbon credit represents the permanent removal of a tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent from the atmosphere or the avoidance of one tonne being emitted in the first place. 

Benefits include: 

  • Emissions reduction: UK Government environmental reporting guidelines encourage organisations to compensate for unavoidable emissions and plan their pathway to net zero with credible carbon credits.
  • Environmental impact: Support projects which fight climate change and enhance ecosystems.
  • Corporate reputation: Enhance brand reputation and gain a competitive edge by demonstrating your commitment to sustainability.

Woodland Carbon Code units  

When choosing credits, buyers want to be sure they are investing in a quality project which will deliver the carbon savings it claims. 

Produced by woodland creation projects across the UK, Woodland Carbon Code units are a credible way to support sustainability.

  • Woodland creation is one of the most powerful tools in the fight against climate change. Trees absorb carbon from the atmosphere as they grow.
  • The Woodland Carbon Code is the quality assurance standard for woodland creation projects in the UK. It’s informed by science and backed by government and the forest industry.
  • Our projects produce high integrity, independently verified carbon units.
  • Projects can also provide wider benefits, including habitat creation, improvements in health and wellbeing, advantages for farming and local employment and educational opportunities.
  • As our projects are UK based, you can support a site near you. Some projects offer opportunities to get involved with activities such as tree planting.
  • The code is internationally recognised for its high standards of sustainable forest management and carbon management. It’s endorsed by the International Carbon Reduction and Offset Alliance 

Over 400 companies have made a difference by buying units from Woodland Carbon Code projects. Read our buyer case studies to find out more. 

Your investment in UK woodland creation will have positive impacts for generations to come.

Emission reduction strategies and carbon credits

Ecosystem Marketplace's All in on Climate: The Role of Carbon Credits in Corporate Climate Strategies demonstrates actions companies are taking to address their emissions. Companies which buy voluntary carbon credits are more likely to:

  • Decarbonise year-on-year and invest in emissions reduction efforts in their value chain
  • Have supplier engagement strategies
  • Have a science-based climate target
  • Have board oversight of their climate transition plans
  • Include Scope 3 emissions in their climate target

Trove Research's Corporate Emission Performance and the Use of Carbon Credits shows that companies which use carbon credits decarbonise twice as fast as those which don’t.

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