3.4 Net carbon sequestration


  • Net project carbon sequestration shall be calculated within the relevant worksheet (standard or small project) of the Woodland Carbon Code Carbon Calculation Spreadsheet (includes 3.3 total project carbon sequestration adjusted for 3.2 leakage minus 3.1 baseline).
  • The predicted number of carbon units by vintage shall be identified according to the project's verification schedule. These shall be divided into the contribution to the Woodland Carbon Code buffer and the claimable carbon sequestration.
  • The net carbon sequestered to date and carbon sequestered in the current vintage/ monitoring period shall be confirmed in the monitoring report. At year five, this is based on the projected carbon sequestration. From year 15 onwards, this is based on field survey measurements.
  • If the ‘self-assessment’ option has been used, then there is no update to the actual carbon sequestration of a project at verification; this section will not be completed.


Net carbon sequestration is the total amount of carbon sequestered by the project which can be converted into carbon units. These are divided between the proportion that will contribute to the shared Woodland Carbon Code buffer and the claimable carbon sequestration which is the amount the project can sell or claim. The number of units will be set out by vintage or monitoring period in the project design document.

Net carbon sequestration = project carbon (3.3) + leakage (3.2) - baseline (3.1) 

The Woodland Carbon Code Carbon Calculation Spreadsheet helps project developers to calculate their net carbon sequestration. See 3.3 Project carbon sequestration.

Further guidance

On the carbon calculation:

3.1 Carbon baseline

3.2 Carbon leakage

3.3 Project carbon sequestration

On project carbon unit accounting:

2.6 Registry rules of use

2.3 Buffer rules 

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